Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Her majesty presents, Mr. David Sloss, Esq.

Heres another caricature, this time, of my friend and fellow cube-mate, The always Daper & Dignified,  Mr. David Sloss, Esq.  He's a damn fine animator, which would be bad enough, but couple that with his snappy dressing and posh British accent, and he seems to be on a plane above the rest of us.  That or the fact that he's like 8feet tall, that could be it.  Did I mention he drives a Mini.
Pip Pip Jolly Good Show sir.. WhatHO, would you look at that, its Tea Time. what.!!

Final Color

Rough Sketch

Until Next time then, Cheerio!


Monday, September 3, 2012

A case of DEJA vu.

One of the many things I love about being part of the Blue Sky Anim Team is hearing from some fantastic guest speakers.  A few weeks back, one such presentation was given by none other than Mr. Andreas Deja  (  Needless to say, for the entire team, it was pretty GeekTastic.  Andreas spoke for about an hour about his beginnings, his life in animation, and insights on being part of some really amazing films.  Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King to name but a few.  He delved into his thought process on creating/designing characters like Aladdin's sinister villain Jafar, using video clips and drawing live on screen for us all to see.  It was super inspiring!

After the talk, he was kind enough to hang around a while, take some photos, and chat with some of us animators.  I took the opportunity to thank him for his work, as some of the films he had a big part in 
( Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin & The Lion King specifically ) had a great influence on me artistically.  

All in all he was a super nice guy, who kept us all enthralled with great tales of animation wonder.     

Thanks again Andreas!

Heres a couple pics taken of us after the talk.  The first is the original shot, where Mr. Matt Doble sidled on up as the pic was being taken, and Andreas said, "No Problem".. then looked at me and said, "We can just crop him out later".  The "Cropped" image is there too, but we all had a good laugh at the comment, so I added em both!  High five Doble!


-Love Graham